Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tumblr axes editorial team behind Storyboard 'experiment'

Tumblr Storyboard.

(Credit: Tumblr)

Blogging platform Tumblr has pulled the plug on Storyboard, its year-old "ambitious experiment" with journalists covering Tumblr as a "living, breathing community."

Saying that he "couldn't be happier" with the editorial team's effort, Tumblr CEO David Karp announced that the unit would be shuttered and its employees laid off.

"What we've accomplished with Storyboard has run its course for now, and our editorial team will be closing up shop and moving on," Karp wrote. "I want to personally thank them for their great work."

Despite accomplishments involving "hundreds of stories and videos, features by publishers ranging from Time to MTV to WNYC," a Tumblr representative told Betabeat that the layoffs involve three employees.

One of those three is Executive Editor Jessica Bennett, who tweeted the news this evening:

RIP @tumblr Editorial. Yeah, for realzies.

— Jessica Bennett (@jess7bennett) April 10, 2013

Edito... [Read more]

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