Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Are the Energy Take Classic and Monoprice 9774 the same?

(Credit: Sarah Tew/CNET)

A recent CNET review of the Monoprice 9774 by Matt Moskovciak and Steve Guttenberg revealed that, beyond striking physical similarities, they sounded nearly identical to the more-expensive Energy Take Classic speaker system.

A recent lawsuit seems to bear out that Energy feels the same way.

So how similar are they? I acquired sets of both to take apart and compare the guts. Further, I enlisted the help of measurement wizard and speaker guru Brent Butterworth to measure the frequency response.

The results were very interesting.

A word of caution: there's going to be a lot of tech jargon coming up. I'll link to helpful articles where appropriate, but if you feel your eyes glazing over, feel free to skip to the Bottom Line.


As Matt and Steve covered in their review, the Take Classic and the 9774 look incredibly similar. There are slight differences in the grilles and baffles (including a slightly different waveguide), but it's unlikely these would have a dramatic effect... [Read more]

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