Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Yokohama misfires tweet about North Korea missile launch

The city of Yokohama in Japan has had to offer up some quick apologies to its nearly 42,000 followers for erroneously tweeting that North Korea had launched a missile at its homeland.

Earlier today, the Crisis Management Office Affairs Bureau for Yokohama tweeted out that North Korea had launched a missile at Japan. The tweet stayed up for 20 minutes before being taken down and replaced with an apology from the city, saying that its tweet was sent out in error.

On its Web site, Yokohama acknowledged its error and said that it had created the tweet in advance in the event there was a launch and it needed to inform its citizens. The city said that the "mechanism" that would have sent the tweet out at the right time malfunctioned, allowing the tweet to hit the Web.

Tensions have been high in Japan as North Korea has ramped up its rhetoric and threats towards several countries, including the U.S. So far, however, no missiles have been launched, and Yokohama acknowledged that, saying that it apologizes and won't allow such a mistake to happen again.

(Via AFP)

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