Saturday, October 6, 2012

Four lessons from a single successful tweet

Screen shot of a tweet that received 1,000+ RTs

One of the things I try to do on this blog is share what I learn about the fast-changing, confusing world of Twitter. In the past, I've posted about the downside of using text alerts for Twitter; the right way and the wrong way to use hashtags on TV; and how to be generous on Twitter.

Today, I want to share some lessons I learned from a single tweet I sent two days ago. While it doesn't unlock all the secrets of successful tweeting, it highlights some of the things that makes some tweets successful and some not so much.

Thursday, October 4, was the day Facebook announced it had reached the long-anticipated milestone of one billion active users a month (active here means logging on at least once a month, and doesn't include robots and spam accounts). That morning, I tweeted a link to the announcement, "At last: 1 billion users on FB. Despite the other issues, that's an amazing milestone. Zuck's post/vid: #cjsm" (#cjsm is the hashtag of a social media class I teach for ... [Read more]

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